Building and maintaining partnerships with a wide variety of organizations is fundamental to spreading the Leave No Trace message and reaching as many of those enjoying our outdoors as possible. Leave No Trace Canada is looking for partners who are committed to reducing our impact across our parks and natural areas and who wish to participate financially (or c/o in-kind services) in the development of the Leave No Trace program in Canada. Our work in Canada is totally dependent on funds raised through our members, partnerships and donations – thank you for your consideration.

Partner Benefits
Rights to use the internationally-recognized, Leave No Trace logo for marketing, communications and educational materials
Your organization is seen as a supporter of the protection and sustainable use of Canada’s natural areas
Your organization associates and shares goals with a recognized, environmental movement
Partners are featured in our NEWS and social media reaching an audience of more than 3000 in Canada (Supporting Partner only)
Opportunity to sponsor Leave No Trace educational events based on your regional or national interests
Your organization/company name and link are added to our website’s “Partners” page (Supporting Partner only)
Customized partner events designed for your audience that feature Leave No Trace principles (Supporting Partner only)
Your organization helps drive positive environmental change in Canada
Partnership Categories
Affiliate Partner
Affiliate Partners are organizations that wish to identify themselves as supporting the Leave No Trace principles and who are willing to help promote our Canadian program. Affiliate partners are asked to make an annual contribution to support our initiatives, including our national education program. Affiliate Partners may also be willing to offer benefits to our members such as discounts on their products, services, memberships, etc. subject to discussion.
THE LEAVE NO TRACE LOGO As an internationally recognized mark that brings with it a common message of shared responsibility for the well-being and sustainability of our parks and natural areas, we entrust our partners with its use for the most appropriate applications. We consider this to be a valuable, protected trademark in Canada and only approved, active partners are allowed to use the logo. Leave No Trace is now active at some level in 90+ countries and has more than 18,000 instructors world-wide.
AFFILIATE LEVELS OF CONTRIBUTION: As “Affiliates”, organizations are asked to self-determine the appropriate level of contribution to become a recognized partner. Potential partners are asked to carefully consider the 9 levels on the form. For guidance, Level 1 is intended for 1-2 person businesses, public schools and very local organizations with limited budgets and small staff. Organizations with higher numbers of employees and regional, provincial, or national audiences and jurisdictions, are invited to contribute at a higher level or consider a Supporting Partnership. New guidelines are being developed to further assist potential and renewing partners with how to best decide where they fit within the levels. Contributions of $1000 or more qualify for “Supporting” Partnerships which are reviewed on an individual basis.
PLEASE NOTE: Leave No Trace Canada receives no financial support from any local, provincial or federal governments. We rely fully on contributions from the public, our members and our partners to continue to fulfill our mission in Canada
Each partner can add up to 5 representatives in their profile, all of whom are considered “members” of Leave No Trace Canada. Each of those representatives receives full member benefits such as timely discounts from our Supporting Partners. NOTE: Any organization offering Level I or Level II, certified Leave No Trace training in Canada, must first be an Affiliate Partner in order for those certifications to be recognized.
Remember to add your logo to your profile which will contribute to your organization’s visibility in our Partner Directory.
Supporting Partners
Are you ready to align your brand with an internationally recognized organization? Let’s work together to create a sustainable Canada and an outdoors we can all enjoy for generations to come!
A Supporting Partner Information Deck is available on request. The minimum contribution for a Supporting Partnership is $1000.
Leave No Trace Canada’s partners believe in the health of wildlife and the perpetuation of biodiversity in our natural world. They share a commitment to sound science and research. By becoming a partner, you make your voice heard and leverage your resources to advance the important work of Leave No Trace.
A Supporting Partnership is for organizations wishing to contribute financially to the development and promotion of the Leave No Trace Canada program, usually at the regional or national level.
Leave No Trace Canada welcomes all forms of support, whether that be via a general donation or a longer-term commitment, possibly directed to a specific project. We are open to hearing your ideas and, in return, discussing proposals that align with the profile and needs of your organization with a view to building mutually beneficial relationships and outcomes. For example, we are especially interested in
- Project Funding
- Benefits to Members ie. Discounts/Incentives
- Assistance with Communications
- Event Sponsorships
- Skills Donations c/o Partner Staff
- Pro Bono Services e.g. Legal
- Employee Engagement Initiatives
- Community Fundraising Programs
- General Donations
Supporting Partners could be government agencies, businesses, other non-profits, post-secondary schools and, generally, any organization ready to support the mission of Leave No Trace Canada at a higher level. Our needs and ideas at Leave No Trace Canada continue to evolve as we move forward, so… to get started, we invite prospective partners to have a conversation with one of our representatives. Please get in touch c/o with your contact information and we will follow up directly.